//Starting a PHR fleet

Starting a PHR fleet

I see a lot of places that people are asking “I would like to start, playing dropfleet, what should I buy?” I will in this post come with a suggestion on how to start a PHR fleet.


There are many ways to start and many opinions on what is the best fleet. My suggestion here builds on the following premises:

  • A well-rounded fleet rather than going all-in on a narrow strategy or approach.
  • An efficient use of models so you need to buy as little as possible.
  • I do not assume you magnetize your models to gain increased flexibility. If you do that it requries a bit more skill, money and time so I will not assume that.
  • That you are aiming at building three different fleets; 800 points, 999 points and 1250 points.

800 points

To field this list, you need to buy the following:

  • 2 x PHR starter fleet – £ 80.

In addition, you need to have access to the following:

  • A starter set of Dropfleet or a Dropfleet Rulebook and copies of the templates in the back to use for debris fields, clusters, etc.
  • A ruler and dice (which is also in the starter set).
  • Tools and materials for assembling and painting the models (or alternatively, pay to get it done – there are many good and affordable options these days).
  • Cards, to be used as battle group cards – these can be printed from dflist.com or similar.

I assume you do not use command cards and hence they are neither on the purchase list nor do you have an admiral in the list.

Vanguard – SR 12

  • 1 x Bellerophon
  • 2 x Andromeda

Line – SR 12

  • 1 x Orpheus
  • 1 x Orion
  • 2 x Europa

Line – SR 6

  • 1 x Ajax
  • 1 x Medea

Pathfinder – SR 2

  • 2 x Medea

This list has a little of everything; 6 launch assets, a good mix of cruisers and frigates, sufficient drop capacity and a variety of medium and light calibre guns. The list only have one major weakness; it lacks corvettes. However, PHR can – as the only fleet – go without corvettes due to their tough strike carriers and they light broadsides which can double as emergency corvettes.

999 points

For this points value, you need only to buy a few things more than for 800 points:

  • 1 x PHR corvettes – £ 20
  • 1 x PHR command cards – £ 8

Vanguard – SR 11

  • 1 x Bellerophon (Admiral: Vice Director, AV 3)
  • 1 x Calypso

Line – SR 12

  • 1 x Orpheus
  • 1 x Orion
  • 2 x Andromeda

Line – SR 12

  • 1 x Orpheus
  • 1 x Ajax
  • 3 x Echo

Pathfinder – SR 3

  • 3 x Medea

This fleet is very similar to the 800 points fleet but with a few changes. Another Orpheus had been added for improved firepower and drop capacity. Corvettes have been added both to give some orbital combat ability but even more to increase the atmospheric combat ability. The Bellerophon has got company from a Calypso to help it survive a bit longer – though it should do its outmost to stay clear of any heavy combat, since it is a carrier and it holds the Admiral – which is also a new addition. Gone is the two Europas but if you feel more like it, you could replace the Andromedas with the Europas to increase firepower at the expense of launch capability.

1250 points

This slot opens up the possibility for battleships. However, my experience is, that 1250 is too little to properly hold a battleship for PHR, so instead I will turn to the mighty battle cruiser. Emphasis has once again been put on reducing purchases needed while still maintaining a flexible fleet, so the purchase list is short:

  • 1 x PHR Battle Cruiser – £ 25

The fleet looks like this:

Vanguard – SR 11

  • 1 x Bellerophon (Admiral: Vice Director, AV 5)
  • 1 x Calypso

Vanguard – SR 15

  • 1 x Priam
  • 1 x Orion

Line – SR 5

  • 1 x Orpheus

Line – SR 5

  • 1 x Orpheus

Pathfinder – SR 9

  • 1 x Orpheus
  • 4 x Echo

Pathfinder – SR 3

  • 3 x Medea

In short, this fleet has a good amount of carrier launch, a somewhat defensive Vanguard group including the best admiral points can buy at this level, a considerably more offensive Vanguard group, two line groups with the purpose of dropping troops (and no other ships attached) and two pathfinder battle groups with the same role, but slightly twisted. One has the task of double-tapping and delivering troops to clusters, the other has the double role of countering any opposing strike carriers while also being able to deliver troops.

The main weaknesses of this fleet is that it is lacking good guns to take out heavy cruisers and above, where you are relying on bombers to do the heavy lifting. Secondly, it relies quite a lot on the Orpheus to deliver the launch capability, which – while still being a solid ship – is a bit unconventional. It is choice mainly made to avoid buying any more cruisers.

This fleet also opens up for quite a lot of experimentation. You have 2 unused Echoes, 2 Europas, 2 Andromedas and 1 Ajax all sitting on the bench so between those and moving ships between battle groups there is a lot of variation to be had. Changes I myself would consider includes:

  • Reducing the Admiral to AV 4.
    You pay 40 points for going from AV 4 to 5 and while AV in general is worth it, 40 points is a lot. They could be used for another Echo or, if reducing the echoes by one, to include two Andromedas or two Europas.
  • Add 1-2 Medeas
    While the Orpheus are good, and 3 is really a force to be reckoned with, the Medea is really important and 3 might be a bit too low for 1250 points. However, adding another one requires buying more ships and the current list is also solid, so this was not my first recommendation.
  • Remove the Bellerophon and/or Priam
    Running double Vanguard in 1250 is also a bit untradtional and does tie up a lot of points. Removing either of those groups and adding another Line battle group might be a viable choice too.

Whats next?

After having assembled and played with all these ships, odds are pretty good you have your own ideas on what you want to try out. Unless you magnetized your models, you will probably need to buy another starter box to try out some different setups.